Welcome to Starlight Construction

Take a look around to gain a greater understanding of Starlight Construction and our values.

Please do check out the examples of our previous projects that we are very proud of.

If you have any questions that aren’t answered here please do not hesitate to call Dave on 07797 747927  and our office number is 01534 843166. Alternatively send an email to dave@starlight.je.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Why choose Starlight Construction?

Instead of giving you a lengthy blurb that you’ve probably read on a lot of other websites, we thought we’d ask our clients why:


Apparently we’re good at letting you know what is going on during our time working with you, saying what we’re going to do and then getting on with it. I spend a lot of time on the phone with client and want feedback from them, to do a top job.

Project Management

Nothing is too big or too small. Our clients tell us they feel they can call on us for anything and we’ll sort it out for them.


Our clients will talk to us about budgets and costs, which we do our utmost to stick to, but when the unforeseen happens and we can’t, we’re straight back to the point above – communication.

Great team

We have a great team of skilled and experienced trade’s people who work for us and if we don’t have the special skill in-house, a fantastic team of sub-contractors we can rely on.

On time

We deliver projects on time, without sacrificing attention to detail.